
On August 14th, 2013, I talked to our oncologist and he told me he wanted to immediately put her on the Hyper-CVAD chemotherapy treatment for her T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  Our original plan was to fly her to California immediately to start treatment closer to family.  However, the oncologist could not in good conscience sent her across the country without starting treatment.  The cancer was quite progressive.  Therefore, my mom and I both decided it was best for her to start her first cycle in Savannah, Georgia under the care of Dr. Grant Lewis from Summit Cancer Care.(Note: I will be writing a summary now and update this post with more detail later)Hyper-CVAD includes 6-8 cycles of chemotherapy.  Each cycle lasts about three weeks, with a three week break between cycles.  The bulk of the chemotherapy drugs are giving 3-4 days at the beginning of the cycle.  Mama Pham got them orally and intravenously (IV).  There were many warned side effects, but she has not had any of them.  Here is the list of chemotherapy drugs she has received in the past 4 days:

  • Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan), by IV Q12hours over 3 hours (6 doses) Days 1, 2, and 3
  • Vincristine (Oncovin) by IV,  Days 4 and 11
  • Doxorubicin (Adriamycin), an antibiotic with anti-tumour effects, by IV, Day 4
  • Dexamethasone, by IV, 1 to 4 Days 11-14
  • Mesna, by IV, to reduce side effects of the other drugs, Need to look up when this was administered.  I think it was administered over the 4 days throughout the day.

Side Effects

  • (Side effects to be added soon)

Mama Pham has had very little side effects so far.  We are on Day 5.  As the oncologist says, "Boring is good."  So let the boredom begin for the next 2.5 weeks!