Bone Marrow Biopsy is CANCER FREE!

Today is Day 35 post transplant.  My mom had a bone marrow biopsy done on Monday, Day 32 post transplant.  The results CAME BACK CLEAR.  For first time in a long time, Mama Pham's blood and bone marrow are CANCER-FREE!Dr. Salhotra performed a spinal tap and CNS prophylaxis (chemo into the spine) today.  We will find out in a few days if any cancer cells infiltrated into the Central Nervous System.  If there are cancer cells there, then the CNS prophylaxis must be done with aggression.  If there are no cancer cells, then we can be done ever 4-6 weeks for prevention.  Not fun, but not as bad as having to actually treat active Leukemia in the CNS!For now, we fill revel in the glory that the bone marrow and blood are cancer free!